Here\’s a look at the pro-Obama ad the service unions are running in Pennsylvania:

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Please tell me you happened to catch the bald guy with the big truck complaining that it costs him $75 to fill up his tank. The fact that he\’s driving a gas guzzler is supposed to make me sympathetic? Listen, man – maybe it wouldn\’t cost you $75 to fill up your tank if you had a smaller car.

Of course, as an advocate of free speech in campaigns, I believe SEIU has every right to air this ad, and it doesn\’t bother me a bit. But it doesn\’t mean others can\’t point out the lunacy in telling people that somehow Barack Obama is going to hold down gas prices. Exactly how is that going to happen? By taxing oil companies more? There actually isn\’t a better way on Earth to raise gas prices than to raise taxes on the companies that produce oil. Anyway, details.